Recent News & Blog

  • Reasons why married couples might want to file separate tax returns

    Married couples often wonder whether they should file joint or separate tax returns. The answer depends on your individual tax situation.

  • How to prepare your nonprofit for a financial audit

    Outside financial audits may seem like an extravagance to not-for-profits working to contain costs and focus on their mission. But undergoing regular audits allows your organization to identify risks early and act quickly to prevent problems.

  • 2020 adjusted penalties for health benefits and other plans

    The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) recently announced the 2020 annual adjustments to civil monetary penalties for a wide range of benefits-related violations. Legislation enacted in 2015 requires annual adjustments to certain penalty amounts by January 15 of each year.

  • Can your board recognize financial red flags?

    A key fiduciary duty of your not-for-profit’s board of directors is to oversee and monitor the organization’s financial health. Some financial warning signs — such as the loss of a major funder — may jump out immediately. But other red flags can be more subtle. Here are some of them.

  • Solving the skilled labor dilemma with military veterans

    The shortage of skilled labor available for hire is bad — and it’s worldwide. New research conducted by the Manpower Group for the 2020 World Economic Forum in Davos revealed that 54% of employers surveyed globally were struggling with skilled labor shortages.

  • Disaster Recovery

    Technology plays a critical role in our job functions, and this dependence on technology creates risks.

  • Do you want to go into business for yourself?

    Many people who launch small businesses start out as sole proprietors. Here are nine tax rules and considerations involved in operating as that entity.

  • Considerations for Capital Asset Controls

    Capital assets often are one of the largest areas on your statement of net position; however, for many entities, little time is devoted to establishing controls around capital assets.

  • Getting help with a business interruption insurance claim

    To guard against natural disasters and other calamities, many companies buy business interruption insurance. These policies provide cash flow to cover revenues lost and expenses incurred while normal operations are limited or suspended.

  • Reporting contingent liabilities

    Contingent liabilities reflect amounts that your business might owe if a specific “triggering” event happens in the future. Sometimes companies are unclear when they’re required to report a contingent liability on their financial statements under U.S.

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