Recent News & Blog

  • There still might be time to cut your tax bill with IRAs

    If you’re getting ready to file your 2019 tax return, and your tax bill is higher than you’d like, there may still be an opportunity to lower it.

  • Determining whether you need to file a gift tax return can be tricky

    For 2020, the lifetime gift and estate tax exemption has reached a whopping $11.58 million ($23.16 million for married couples). As a result, few people will be subject to federal gift taxes.

  • Getting help with a business interruption insurance claim

    To guard against natural disasters and other calamities, many companies buy business interruption insurance. These policies provide cash flow to cover revenues lost and expenses incurred while normal operations are limited or suspended.

  • Dealing with Deposits in QuickBooks

    Where do the payments you receive in QuickBooks go? The software provides tools for managing deposits.

  • Answers to your questions about 2020 individual tax limits

    Right now, you may be more concerned about your 2019 tax bill than you are about your 2020 tax situation. That’s understandable because your 2019 individual tax return is due to be filed in less than three months.

  • Do your employees receive tips? You may be eligible for a tax credit

    Are you an employer who owns a business where tipping is customary for providing food and beverages? You may qualify for a tax credit involving the Social Security and Medicare (FICA) taxes that you pay on your employees’ tip income. How the credit works

  • Look closely at your company’s concentration risks

    The word “concentration” is usually associated with a strong ability to pay attention. Business owners are urged to concentrate when attempting to resolve the many challenges facing them.

  • Some basic facts about wage garnishment

    The prospect of having to garnish an employee’s wages isn’t a pleasant thought, yet it’s a situation that many employers face. As with any onerous task, the more prepared you are, the better. Let’s look at some basic facts about the process. Various types

  • Accounting for indirect job costs the right way

    Construction contractors, professional service firms, specialty manufacturers and other companies that work on large projects often struggle with job costing. Full cost allocations are essential to gauging whether you’re making money on each job.

  • Numerous tax limits affecting businesses have increased for 2020

    An array of tax-related limits that affect businesses are annually indexed for inflation, and many have increased for 2020. Here are some that may be important to you and your business. Social Security tax

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