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Recent News & Blog / Audit

  • Why Revenue Matters in an Audit

    For many companies, revenue is one of the largest financial statement accounts. It’s also highly susceptible to financial misstatement.

  • LIFO Lessons Learned

    You have choices when it comes to reporting inventory costs. One popular technique — the last-in, first-out (LIFO) method — assumes that merchandise is sold in the reverse order it was acquired or produced. That is, it allocates the most recent costs to the cost of sales.

  • Should Cloud Computing Setup Costs be Expensed or Capitalized?

    Companies will be able to capitalize, or spread out the costs of, setting up pricey business systems that operate on cloud technology under an update to U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP). Here are the details.

  • Don't Let Collaborative Arrangements Cause Financial Reporting Headaches

    Businesses often enter into so-called “collaborative arrangements” when they partner with another entity on a major project. Unfortunately, the current guidance for these types of arrangements under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) is somewhat vague.

  • Profits: How Low Can You Go?

    If your profits are falling compared to revenue and assets, your financial statements may provide insight into what’s happening and how to improve your performance.

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