Recent News & Blog

Recent News & Blog / Audit

  • Timing counts: Reporting subsequent events

    Major events or transactions — such as a natural disaster, a cyberattack, a regulatory change or the loss of a large business contract — may happen after the reporting period ends but before financial statements are finalized.

  • Are you ready for the new disclosure requirements for government assistance?

    Starting in fiscal year 2022, all entities — except nonprofit organizations in the scope of Topic 958, Not-for-Profit Entities, and employee benefit plans — must provide detailed disclosures about government assistance. Here are the details of the new rules.

  • 4 levels of audit opinions

    The first page of audited financial statements is the auditor’s report. This is an important part of the financials that shouldn’t be overlooked.

  • Audit disclosures: Why the fine print is important

    Footnotes appear at the end of a company’s audited financial statements. These disclosures provide insight into account balances, accounting practices and potential risk factors — knowledge that’s vital to making well-informed lending and investing decisions.

  • Preparations vs. compilations

    Your business needs financial statements so management can monitor performance, attract investment capital and borrow money from a bank or other lender. But not all financial statements are created equal. Audited statements are considered the “gold standard” in financial reporting.

  • Reporting and managing inventory

    Ineffective inventory management and reporting can result in bloated working capital and impaired business profits. In industries that rely on overseas suppliers, best practices for managing inventory may have recently changed.

  • How to account for change orders

    Last-minute changes to contracts can be frustrating. But, if managed properly, they can sometimes provide an opportunity to boost profits.

  • Coming soon: New accounting rule on government assistance disclosures

    On November 17, the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) issued a new accounting standard on disclosing certain types of government incentives that businesses receive to set up shop in a locality.

  • Look to the future with a QOE report

    Are you thinking about merging with or acquiring a business? CPA-prepared financial statements can provide valuable insight into historical financial results. But an independent quality of earnings (QOE) report can be another valuable tool in the due diligence process.

  • How to assess fraud risks today

    Auditing standards require external auditors to consider potential fraud risks by watching out for conditions that provide the opportunity to commit fraud. Unfortunately, conditions during the COVID-19 pandemic may have increased your company’s fraud risks.

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