The Latest & Greatest from GASB
GovernmentIn this video, Member of the Firm Craig Witmer and Audit Manager Teena Curnow review the latest on the Lease Accounting standard, the upcoming Exposure Draft for Financial Reporting model, and other topics related to GASB.
Steps to Take After the Audit
GovernmentIn this presentation, Members of the Firm Krista Gardner and Kevin Stouffer explain the importance of staying in touch with your auditor throughout the year to stay on track for next year’s engagement.
Excel Tips & Tricks
GovernmentIn this video, Audit Manager Taylor Rote reviews various Excel functions and formulas to assist with financial analysis and add efficiencies to your organization’s everyday use.
Single Audit Requirements & Best Practices
GovernmentWhen and why would your organization need a single audit? In this video, Member of the Firm Krista Gardner and Audit Manager Erin Clark provide guidance on typical compliance requirements and best practices for tracking federal funds.
Recruiting & Retention for Local Governments
Government, Human ResourcesIn this video, SEK’s Director of HR Advisory Services Laura Stover discusses best practices for finding and retaining employees in the current labor market, including real-life examples and actionable steps to take.
Cybersecurity for Small & Medium Sized Governments
GovernmentIn this video, Supervisor Bob Hoster reviews recommendations for securing your organization's information technology systems with constantly changing cybersecurity risks and more employees working from home.
QuickBooks for Local Governments & Schools
Government, QuickBooksThis session was hosted by SEK's Certified QuickBooks ProAdvisor Bonnie Aleshire. Topics covered in this recording include:
Recruiting & Retention for Nonprofits
Human Resources, NonprofitIn this video, SEK’s Director of HR Advisory Services Laura Stover discusses best practices for finding and retaining employees in the current labor market, including real-life examples and actionable steps to take.
How to Handle Grants & Single Audits
NonprofitIn this video, Member of the Firm Greg Hall helps nonprofit organizations understand grants awarded, potential compliance issues, the proper way to track revenue and expenses, and how to navigate the single audit process should your organization need one.
Building & Sustaining a Successful Fundraising Program
NonprofitIn this video, Scott Shewell of Safe Harbour reviews the key parts to building a successful fundraising program, including creating strong relationships, understanding donor goals, and identifying available funding options.