Recent News & Blog / Nonprofit
Protecting youth sports leagues from fraud
Who would defraud a kids’ organization? The answer, unfortunately, is that trusted adults sometimes steal from not-for-profits benefiting children. Youth sports leagues and teams, for example, are ripe for fraud.
When nonprofits need to register in multiple states
Many not-for-profit organizations use fundraising methods that cross state boundaries. If your nonprofit is one of them, it may need to register in multiple jurisdictions. But keep in mind that registration requirements vary — sometimes dramatically — from state to state.
It’s about time: Don’t waste that of your board members
Most not-for-profit board members are unpaid volunteers. They’ve agreed to serve because they care about your mission and the impact your organization is making.
Don't Let a Disaster Defeat Your Nonprofit
Most not-for-profits are intensely focused on present needs, not the possibility that disaster will strike sometime in the distant future. But because a fire, flood or other natural or manmade disaster could strike at any time, the time to plan for it is now.
D&O insurance: Some FAQs for nonprofits
Directors and officers (D&O) liability insurance enables board members to make decisions without fear that they’ll be personally responsible for any related litigation costs. Such coverage is common in the business world, but fewer not-for-profits carry it.