Video Vault

  • Measuring Financial Success

    In this video, Manager Erin Clark explains your organization’s financials and how they are the key to making sound business decisions. She also reviews various ways to utilize Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and other financial metrics.

  • Navigating the Latest Accounting Standards

    In this video, Member of the Firm Greg Hall reviews recent accounting standards and guidance affecting the nonprofit sector, including lease implementation. Learn what will affect you and when.

  • Recruiting & Retention for Nonprofits

    In this video, SEK’s Director of HR Advisory Services Laura Stover discusses best practices for finding and retaining employees in the current labor market, including real-life examples and actionable steps to take.

  • How to Handle Grants & Single Audits

    In this video, Member of the Firm Greg Hall helps nonprofit organizations understand grants awarded, potential compliance issues, the proper way to track revenue and expenses, and how to navigate the single audit process should your organization need one. 

  • Building & Sustaining a Successful Fundraising Program

    In this video, Scott Shewell of Safe Harbour reviews the key parts to building a successful fundraising program, including creating strong relationships, understanding donor goals, and identifying available funding options.

  • Accounting & Auditing Updates

    In this video, Manager Gary Snyder reviews the latest on in-kind contributions, leases, auditor’s report, and current expected credit losses (CECL). 

  • How to Prepare for an Audit

    Does your nonprofit know how to prepare for an audit? In this video, Member of the Firm Krista Gardner provides guidance on where to focus your time, questions to ask your auditors, and meaningful ways to use the audit process to your organization’s benefit.

  • Board Member Expectations & Engagement

    We would like to thank Nicole Deary, Executive Director of Leadership Cumberland for speaking at our annual nonprofit seminar.

  • Financial Statement Attestation vs. Agreed Upon Procedures

    In this video, Audit Manager Erin Clark explores the different levels of attestation services that a nonprofit organization can receive.

  • Starting a Nonprofit Organization

    Want to set up a nonprofit organization but don't know where to start? SEK's Member of the Firm Greg Hall shares some tips and answers some common questions many organizations have when getting their nonprofit up and running.

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