Recent News & Blog

Recent News & Blog / General Business Advice

  • Local Minimum Wage Law Changes

    The Federal minimum wage rate increased to $7.25 back in 2010 and has remained at that level ever since. As you know, many states have passed their own minimum wage laws that increased the minimum wage in their respective states.

  • Nondeductible IRA contributions require careful tracking

    If, like many people, your traditional IRA holds a mixture of deductible (after-tax) and nondeductible (pretax) contributions, it’s important to track your contributions carefully to avoid double taxation of distributions. Why?

  • New Overtime Rules Effective January 1, 2020

    The DOL recently finalized its new rules effective January 1, 2020, to determine whether an employee qualifies as exempt from overtime under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). What has changed?

  • Stretch your marketing dollars further with smart strategies

    If your marketing budget is limited, there may be ways to make that money go further. Smart strategies abound for small to midsize businesses. Let’s look at a few ideas for stretching your marketing dollars a bit further. Check out the big guys

  • What lenders look for in a succession plan

    Business owners are urged to create succession plans for the good of their families and their employees. But there’s someone else who holds a key interest in the longevity of your company: Your lender.

  • Bridging the gap between budgeting and risk management

    At many companies, a wide gap exists between the budgeting process and risk management. Failing to consider major threats could leave you vulnerable to high-impact hits to your budget if one or more of these dangers materialize.

  • Depreciation and Cost Recovery Rules: 2019 and Later

    The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 (TCJA) brought with it some changes and updates to Depreciation rules. SEK’s tax department has created this one page quick reference guide to help answer some of the most common Depreciation questions we receive.

  • Is multicloud computing right for your business?

    Cloud computing — storing data and accessing apps via the Internet — has been widely adopted by businesses across industry and size. Like many technological advances, though, new derivatives continue to emerge — including so-called multicloud computing.

  • Now Available: SEK's 2019 Tax Planning Guide

    Are you doing everything you can to minimize your income taxes? If not, it may be time for a fresh look. The tax law and your own situation may change from year to year.

  • A shadow board could shed light on your company’s best future

    In many industries, market conditions move fast. Businesses that don’t have their ears to the ground can quickly get left behind.

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