Recent News & Blog

Recent News & Blog / Employer Information

  • Should your organization launch a diversity program?

    For employers, the word “diversity” no longer refers only to race and gender. It’s about providing a working environment in which all employees — regardless of background, identity and beliefs — are recognized and reassured that their contributions are valued.

  • Helping your employees with their HSAs

    Many employers are now offering Health Savings Accounts (HSAs). As required by law, these accounts are coupled with high-deductible health plans (HDHPs).

  • Encourage your organization’s supervisors to regularly provide feedback

    Among the most common reasons employees perform below par is they don’t know precisely what they’re doing wrong. Whether dealing with an entry-level employee or a top manager, supervisors need to provide regular and specific feedback to maintain a productive workplace.

  • 2020 adjusted penalties for health benefits and other plans

    The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) recently announced the 2020 annual adjustments to civil monetary penalties for a wide range of benefits-related violations. Legislation enacted in 2015 requires annual adjustments to certain penalty amounts by January 15 of each year.

  • Solving the skilled labor dilemma with military veterans

    The shortage of skilled labor available for hire is bad — and it’s worldwide. New research conducted by the Manpower Group for the 2020 World Economic Forum in Davos revealed that 54% of employers surveyed globally were struggling with skilled labor shortages.

  • Some basic facts about wage garnishment

    The prospect of having to garnish an employee’s wages isn’t a pleasant thought, yet it’s a situation that many employers face. As with any onerous task, the more prepared you are, the better. Let’s look at some basic facts about the process. Various types

  • Tread carefully when handling FMLA leave requests

    When employees request time off under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), employers need to tread carefully. The FMLA can trip you up in various ways, including how to legally document and approve eligibility for leave.

  • Keeping the faith in a reverse mentoring program

    In a reverse mentoring program, a younger and usually less experienced employee mentors an older one, who’s typically in management or even an executive or business owner.

  • Local Minimum Wage Law Changes

    The Federal minimum wage rate increased to $7.25 back in 2010 and has remained at that level ever since. As you know, many states have passed their own minimum wage laws that increased the minimum wage in their respective states.

  • Wellness programs are subject to many federal laws

    At the beginning of the year, many people make resolutions about improving their physical fitness and overall well-being. Employers may seek to give these goals a boost in the longevity department by offering an employee wellness program.

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