Recent News & Blog

  • Estate planning for the young and affluent can be tricky

    Events of the last decade have taught us that tax law is anything but certain. So how can young, affluent people plan their estates when the tax landscape may look dramatically different 20, 30 or 40 years from now — or even a few months from now?

  • Getting personal for fundraising success

    According to a recent survey conducted by fundraising platform FrontStream, the vast majority (87%) of Americans say they’re donating to charity in 2021. And almost 20% claim they’re giving more this year than they did in 2020.

  • Get your piece of the depreciation pie now with a cost segregation study

    If your business is depreciating over a 30-year period the entire cost of constructing the building that houses your operation, you should consider a cost segregation study. It might allow you to accelerate depreciation deductions on certain items, thereby reducing taxes and boosting cash flow.

  • 4 ways to refine your cash flow forecasting

    Run a business for any length of time and the importance of cash flow becomes abundantly clear. When payroll is due, bills are piling up and funds aren’t available, blood pressure tends to rise. For this reason, being able to accurately forecast cash flow is critical.

  • Nonprofit restructuring has become easier, but not without challenges

    A few years ago, IRS Revenue Procedure 2018-15 changed the rules regarding not-for-profit restructuring. If you’ve participated in a restructuring in the past, you’ll be relieved to know that in many cases it’s now easier.

  • Don’t choose your executor too hastily

    Haste makes waste. Or, in the case of estate planning, it can lead to other problems and, possibly, financial loss. Notably, if you don’t take enough time to choose the best executor for your estate, this “wrong call” can cost your family. Many responsibilities

  • Vacation home: How is your tax bill affected if you rent it out?

    If you’re fortunate enough to own a vacation home, you may want to rent it out for part of the year. What are the tax consequences?

  • New per diem business travel rates became effective on October 1

    Are employees at your business traveling again after months of virtual meetings? In Notice 2021-52, the IRS announced the fiscal 2022 “per diem” rates that became effective October 1, 2021.

  • Don’t forget to take state estate taxes into account

    A generous gift and estate tax exemption means only a small percentage of families are currently subject to federal estate taxes. But it’s important to consider state estate taxes as well.

  • Remind your sales team about the power of storytelling

    Everyone loves a story. It’s why movies are still big business and many of us spend hours on the couch binge-watching our favorite television shows. What’s important to keep in mind — and to remind your sales team — is that effective storytelling can also drive sales.

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