Recent News & Blog

  • For a stronger nonprofit, increase the number of income streams

    Not-for-profits that rely on a single income source, or only a few, are vulnerable to economic shocks. The COVID-19 pandemic has made this particularly clear.

  • Avoid these 4 estate planning pitfalls

    No one likes to contemplate his or her own mortality. But ignoring the need for an estate plan or procrastinating in the creation of one is asking for trouble. If you haven’t started the process, don’t delay any longer. For your estate plan to achieve your goals, avoid these four pitfalls:

  • Cyber risks: A critical part of your auditor’s risk assessment

    As businesses and not-for-profit entities increasingly rely on technology, cyberthreats are becoming more sophisticated and aggressive. Auditors must factor these threats into their risk assessments.

  • If you’re hiring, take a look at veterans

    Despite widespread fears of recession in recent months, hiring remains strong in the United States. Employers added 528,000 jobs in July 2022 and many organizations seeking new workers are having trouble filling positions.

  • SEK Named Best Tax Preparation Service


  • You shouldn’t amend a will yourself

    Let’s assume you have a legally valid will but you’ve decided that it should be revised because of a change in your family’s circumstances. Perhaps all you want to do is add a newborn grandchild to the list of beneficiaries or remove your adult child’s spouse after a divorce.

  • Is your business required to report employee health coverage?

    As you’re aware, certain employers are required to report information related to their employees’ health coverage. Does your business have to comply, and if so, what must be done? Basic rules

  • Promoting your nonprofit with your annual report

    Do you think about your not-for-profit’s annual report as a yearly obligation or even an unpleasant chore? If so, your annual report likely isn’t much fun to read — and you’re missing a chance to attract and engage critical audiences.

  • How to treat business website costs for tax purposes

    These days, most businesses have websites. But surprisingly, the IRS hasn’t issued formal guidance on when website costs can be deducted.

  • Is your withholding adequate? Here’s how to check

    When you filed your federal tax return this year, were you surprised to find you owed money? You might want to change your withholding so that this doesn’t happen again next year. You might even want to adjust your withholding if you got a big refund.

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