Recent News & Blog

  • Coming soon: 5 accounting rules that take effect in 2023

    It can be challenging to keep track of which accounting rules are changing, when the changes kick in and for which types of entities. Plus, implementing the necessary revisions to your organization’s procedures and systems often takes time and resources.

  • Answers to your questions about 2023 limits on individual taxes

    Many people are more concerned about their 2022 tax bills right now than they are about their 2023 tax situations. That’s understandable because your 2022 individual tax return is due to be filed in 10 weeks (unless you file an extension).

  • Joint ownership isn’t right for all estate plans

    Generally speaking, owning property jointly benefits an estate plan. Indeed, joint ownership offers several advantages for surviving family members. However, there are exceptions and it’s not the solution for all estate planning problems.

  • Sailing a steady ship in today’s interesting economy

    Business owners: If you’re having trouble reading the U.S. economy, you’re not alone. On the one hand, the January 2023 jobs report revealed that the unemployment rate had fallen to 3.4%, its lowest level in 54 years.

  • Why you should connect with giving circles

    Giving circles — generally small groups of people who make a charitable impact by pooling their money — are growing in popularity. If your not-for-profit isn’t already actively appealing to them, you need to get up to speed because they’re capable of providing substantial financial resources.

  • Have employees who receive tips? Here are the tax implications

    Many businesses in certain industries employ individuals who receive tips as part of their compensation. These businesses include restaurants, hotels and salons. Tip definition

  • Is your revocable trust fully funded?

    A revocable trust — sometimes known as a “living trust” — can provide significant benefits. They include the ability to avoid probate of the assets the trust holds and facilitating management of your assets in the event you become incapacitated.

  • Give your nonprofit organization’s members a reason to renew

    When inflation is high, it’s common for people to cut expenses by deciding not to renew subscriptions and memberships. For charities and associations that depend on membership fees, this trend can be distressing — if not catastrophic.

  • Look to a SWOT analysis to make better HR decisions

    Many business owners spend most of their time developing strategic plans, overseeing day-to-day operations and, of course, putting out fires. Yet an underlying source of both opportunity and trouble can be human resources (HR).

  • Retirement plan early withdrawals: Make sure you meet the requirements to avoid a penalty

    Most retirement plan distributions are subject to income tax and may be subject to an additional penalty if you take an early withdrawal. What’s considered early? In general, it’s when participants take money out of a traditional IRA or other qualified retirement plan before age 59½.

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